Thursday, July 28, 2011

Marry The Night

Lady GaGa , oh yea.

6 months

In the next 6 months, a lot will happen. Not only for myself, but for some very fabulous people in my life too. I am excited....and nervous of course. I guess this is what it means to grow's the feeling of being outside of your comfort zone. lol Here are a few things on my agenda for the next 6months!
  1. Graduate! :D
  2. Survive working in a bakery...and maintain my current job and graduate. lol
  3. Celebrate 4 years!
  5. Miscellaneous things...who knows!!! 
I am sure I am leaving out a few things but I haven't had a good night's rest for the past 2 weeks. So now I am going to enjoy a glass of wine and catch some ZzzZzz. Tomorrow will be the one of the last 2 Thursdays I will be off before it's M.I.A. Hongie time! lol g'night!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Come As You Are

Are you ready for a voice that will blow your mind? Enjoy!

Yuna! I honestly can not get enough of her music! I believe I have finally found a voice that is me, without ever saying a word. Her style, it's so refreshing! Perfect! This little discovery makes me very happy! ^__^

Thursday, July 7, 2011