Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I got her back!!!

I got her back!
As much as I tried to avoid it, there's this one lady that holds my heart.
Even though she makes me angry and sad, she gets me.
She gets me like no one can.
I missed her dearly.
I broke down and realized how much I do care,
how much I could not function without a healthy relationship with her.
Unfortunately others around me had to suffer, I apologize.
Her friendship, it is so effortless.
We laugh together, cry together, and parade the night sidewalks together.
With her I feel carefree.
We have such a mutual relationship.
Our friendship is truly like no others.
For a while I felt I lost her, that she wrong me.
Although we all make mistakes, my best friend was trying so hard.
This best friend was fighting for me.
It made me so happy when I realized this.
Someone who loves me, as much as I love her.
It feels so good to receive text messages from her,
and talk about what we are going to wear for nye. tehehe
I guess what I get from her is complete trust.
She rarely questions or challenge my decisions but trusts that I will always put her first.
I missed her, I missed our effortless friendship!
No matter where she goes, I'll always have her as a friend.
That means the world to me.
I thought I could drop her like a bad habit, but little did I know...I am addicted.
Although we hate certain things about one another, we just accept each other.
I can be mean, she can be sensitive but we work it out somehow.
I love this girl, I really do.
She drives me crazy, but at the end of the day...
a part of me is missing when I am not on good terms with her.
I don't know what else to say...I just love her. :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I think I am going to stop caring...it actually feels kind of good.
Lets see what all these selfish people are talking about...HAHAHAHA

Sunday, December 19, 2010

What a night...

What a night it was!!!
I had a blast tonight...hitting the dance floor.
I left my worries at the door and just let me hair down for the night!
Although TOM was visiting...I pulled my pants up and shook my booty!
hahahahaa It was so relaxing and carefree!
lol a club...relaxing??? Yes, the dance floor is my stress reliever sometimes.
Good company is a plus!!! :)
I bumped into many faces. Many pleasant, other not so much! lol
Nonetheless, I did not let it ruin my night.
I kinda feel like I matured a little as far as my social reaction to people.
It's not about putting on a mean face and cold shoulder,
but rather embrace them for the good things they brought to your life.
What can I say...I was in a good mood. :)
On the other hand...when I went to the ladies room, I felt like I was in the wild wild west!
LMAO!!! AWKWARD! But guess what, IDGF!
But the night went on and it was still fun.
Thanks ladies for taking me out!!! :D 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

We Are Broken Paramore

cause we are broken...

Monday, December 6, 2010


Well not just yet but I SURVIVED THE SEMESTER!!! now a song to celebrate! tehehe

This semester proved to be the hardest and I got through it! I have two more to go...which will be relatively easy compared to this Fall semester! :D I will have 2 hard classes in the Spring but I know I will definitely pass them. AHHH! All the heavy weight just lifted off my shoulders when I went to go check grades! YAY!!! :) But truthfully, I passed because the teacher liked me...and THANK GOD she did. lol I do feel sorry for everyone else who put in the effort but did not gain the approval of the professor. That truly SUCKS! I guess better luck next semester :/ But I MADE IT!!! You guys don't know how happy I am! UHHH!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!! :D :D :D Now for everyone else to finish finals so we can all celebrate!!!! Goodluck to everyone who is taking finals right now!!! :)