Saturday, April 30, 2011

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Who Says

I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me! :D

When I first heard this song it was on Disney...which I blew off as being annoying and all that bubbly stuff! lol But the other night I was enjoying a nice long chat with a best friend and our conversation made me think of this song! I know we all have insecurities, but dammit...LOVE YOURSELF!!! If you don't, you will only have yourself to blame for all that "crap" that happens to you!!! Enhance your quality of life, LOVE YOURSELF! It is then that someone will see it too...

I wanna dedicate this song to all my lovely ladies!!! I love you chicas!!! Now, for world domination! bahaha

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Maybe I have too much time...
Or maybe I just take the time to care.

Monday, April 18, 2011

wow, where did the time go?

6 more school days and the semester is over...1 test final, 1 art research presentation, 1 campaign to write, 1 research paper, 2 test, 3 critiques to write, and homework all in between. YAY! >_< not so much! I gotta beast it...but I hope I don't burn out right at the end of the race! This is the first time in all of my college life that I am really freaking out about the end of the semester! WTH! What can I say, my mind did take a 2month vacation this semester! +_+ no bueno, but now all I can do is own up to it! lets GO! Disclaimer: I will be one hot mess for the next 2 weeks and will experience mood swings that will even scare off the boogie man! Approach with caution!!!**************

So this past weekend was a bit of a flashback from my 2010 summer. It was a very warm and happy feeling of "the good times."   New friends and old friends. New beginnings and a whole lot of drunkiness! :P u just gotta see it to believe it!

 Oh, not to baby was getting down in the club! Ant is so adorable! ^_^ He always finds a way to make me smile...without even trying! :P
(2007,still same ole Ant ^__^)

And as promised, pics of my baby! haha Really, it's Ant n I's! I'm so happy I now have a vehicle he can drive! :D You guys know me...I like driving a tank! I have to always be so careful with the new car that sometimes I rather let Ant drive it...lucky for me, he loves to drive it! ^_^ So we're both happy to swap cares between the weekdays and weekend!

Welps, I think that pretty much wraps it up for now. Can't wait to finish classes so I can start working out with my sister and get ready for DESTIN!!!!! CANNOT FREAKING WAIT!!!
(this is going to be an EPIC VACATION!!!!!!!!)


Monday, April 11, 2011


hahaha, the song is good...the video cracks me up! :D Good listen though!

So, school....3 weeks and BAM...FINALS!!! Wholey poopers! I am in some trouble! >__< Gonna try my best...lets hope I get my poop together and make it to the next semester to reach the finish line! AHHHH!!! I usually have it all done during the semester and have a chill final but this semester I did the complete opposite! AIYAH! Gotta get it, gotta get it together!

So I am sure you guys know, I finally got myself my OWN CAR!!! Yup! Crazy stuff but it's really mine...and Anthony's!!! :) It's our baby! hahaha  I couldn't have gotten through this process if it wasn't for Ant and my family!!! YAY! Now I can have the freedom to go on mini road-trips without the hassle of bothering other people!!! (will post pic later)

Hmmm, other than that it's just the same ole same ole...I am waiting for May to get here so I can be the ULTIMATE BEACH BUM!!! Like a wise friend once said- "I am so ready for the body might not be but my mind is" BAHAHA On the realz....I hate being so busy with school and work because it leaves me no time to really get a good workout....dammit! 2 months...if I don't get my shit together Ima be walking around in a MOO MOO looking like a sea FOR REALZ! hahaha Nah, I just want to be comfortable with myself...know that I did at least try to work on myself like everyone else around me has been working hard!!!!  PROPS to my momacitas who have been getting it TIGHT and RIGHT! :D CHEA!

What else.....ANTHONY!!!! hahaha I love this boy! He makes me so happy...even when he makes me mad! :) We work well together and I can completely be myself around him. I do not have to hide and think about my actions...maybe what I say but never how I act...we can make jokes at one another and laugh it off. I am grateful for our relationship's sense of humor. :) We bring the stinkie in one another out...bahaha :D :D :D We are by no means perfect...but he is perfect in my eyes!

Wow....3 weeks....LEGGO!!!!!!!!!