Monday, September 26, 2011


I believe this is the most busy I have been in quite some time. Hopefully in October things will slow down, but I highly doubt it. It's good to be busy right? Lol like everyone says-"you don't have much longer!" that is so true. I am excited...let's hope I don't run out of gas before reaching the finish life. Lol


Andy said...

I prefer the saying "it's either the pain of discipline or the pain of regret."

Mimi said...

you are HONG NGUYEN. YOU DON't RUN OUT OF GAS! =D its good to a busy bee...soon it will subside you will be able to relax <3 KEEP AT IT SEXY MOMMMMMA!

Rose said...

haha I will try to remember that Andy!:)

Mimi- CAM ON for the motivation! I don't know about sexy but I can def stay away from being a hot mess! haha <3 u!