Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I think I finally get it...

The more you live, the more you learn.
I've spent most of my life trying to fit into a mold
Someone who is nice, someone who doesn't put up with sh*t.
The list goes on and on.
No matter how I tried to listen, try to ignore... I never felt at peace with my decisions.
There was always a constant back and forth, second guessing.
I review the evolution of my life and feel quite content now.
Thank you to those special individuals who have stood beside me,
thank you to those who have walked away.
I will stop saying I don't expect anything in return because I do.
I will stop saying don't worry about it because it gets on my nerves.
I will stop saying it's ok because it really isn't okay.
And I will stop saying sorry because I am done apologizing for being myself.
The more I learn about myself, the less I feel I should have to apologize.
(This doesn't mean I am too proud to apologize when I am wrong, wrong is wrong.)
Saying sorry doesn't always makes things better, it's only temporarily.
It's the action that follows the confrontation.
I have incredible friends, and I am learning to appreciate the individuals who go for what they want,
and have no regrets about it.
Those individuals place less blame on others,
because they take happiness into their own hands and do not put themselves last.
Dammit, I want some of that happiness too!
By no means am I intentionally leaving people in the dust,
it is simply asking others to join me because I need to put my life in gear.
So, what who wants to dance to the beat of my drum? or life's drum to be exact!

she is amazing...L.O.V.E dance to the beat of my drum!


MaiZer said...

I wanna dance with you!

Rose said...

that is an offer i shall never pass up! :D

Phamtastic said...

Go get you some of that happiness girl!!!

Rose said...

Anonymous- yes be able to say sorry is brave but if you have to apologize for who you are then it is not being brave but it is fooling yourself to cater to someone else perception of who you should be! :) Ty for sharing!

Huongie- haha I think I am on my way dear! :) Hope all is well with you!