Friday, March 9, 2012


It's very late in the night...I am thinking about everything and nothing in particular. Sound familiar to anyone? Besides having no luck with Jon hunting, my coworker asked me how it was going today. He gave me some great advice... "pray on it! And if nothing comes along then it was meant to be that way and it's just another opportunity for you to pursue something else!" lol this made me smile because it's very true. I do believe God has a plan for us all, we just need to be patient. I think I am going to take a step back and be grateful of my current situation instead of planting time bombs in my head. God will take care of me as he always have in the past! :)

OMG! Onto other news...the only thing that is keeping me sane anyhow! My annual memorial holiday beach trip is in full effect! I am so excited! I can not wait to arrive in Destin and just kick back! The sound of the waves, blistering heat w/the sun, beautiful views of the ocean! AHHH! It is much. Deserved for all of my companions of the trip! :) yippee! Gotta get my body right...I won't be have a beach body but at least I will be proud of myself for doing something! :D very very excited!

Ok, gotta hit the sack now. Think I will try to get into the routine of writing everyday...even if its just least my thoughts won't be trapped inside! Gnight