Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Even Angels have their wicked schemes and you take that to new extremes...

I wish I would have heard Rihanna's version first...but I still love both songs!

Anyways....tonight my post is about...LOVE! lol Yes, what else right? j/j

Girls, what is our strength? Our vagina of course! lol
I want to encourage the female youth to wait...wait as long as you can!!!
Sure, sex is a beautiful thing.
It is shared between complete strangers in a night
or by two lovers embracing one another.
But when should a female give it up? (guys don't answer that)
Remember when you were a little girl,
and your mom told you about being a "FLOWER"
Of course at the time, we roll our eyes.
Wonder why this conversation is taking place.
But little do we know, it is our mother's only way of protecting us.
The only way she can teach us to save ourselves.
Hard to realize this at the time.
But when you take the time to play everything back,
you're MOMA is always right about this stuff! lol
Our mothers can not save us from heartache,
or choose the age and person we chose to "give" our virginity to.
However, my mother did teach me to be smart!
Sometimes we can not deny who we are.
Some of us are straight out nymphoes! LMAO!
(you know who you are! >_< )
And sometimes we are not blessed with a "mother"
but we can still learn to respect ourselves.
It doesn't mean you have to close your legs til marriage!
It just means be smart about who you choose to sleep with!
A man will not respect something he doesn't have to work for!
It's true, and it's something that will never change!
Well it does, but in the sense that it can make a guy respect you
because you volunteer your hooha!
Save yourself the time and learn to subside your sexual urges!
Sometimes out of hormonal frustration, I tell myself I should have been born a guy.
In reality, I love being a woman.
I get to wear all these pretty dresses! LMAO J/K
We are so beautiful, we can be rare.
In today's society, if you are not putting out right are RARE!
Embrace your POWER!
Your ability to have SELF CONTROL!
Now that is my definition of PUSSY POWER!
We only appreciate what we work hard for, not what easily comes!

-Thanks mom, you have taught me well. I am only strong because you are strong for me. You are enduring and patient. You may be crazy, but I can't wait to be a great mom like you one day :) lol


MaiZer said...

LOL... Magical powers.. Haha I love you!