Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tick tick tickie tock!

That's the noise I seem to be hearing nonstop upstairs in that head of mine. There's nothing particular on my mind, yet I've been thinking about everything. Bleh...wonder wheat all this thinking will conclude in the end... Tickie tick tickie tock!

So it's summer and the long wait is now down to a few days! It's going to be a CRAZY and EPIC trip. Amongst the madness in the beach house, I just hope everyone will have fun. and if someone doesn't, wth is wrong with them??? Bah a j.j but on a serious note, you must hate the beach and sun to not enjoy this trip right!? Lol

Not only am I excited to go to the beach with my family and friends...but I get 2 full days with Anthony. :) going away somewhere with him for more than a day is like mission impossible! I must thank all my lucky stars this year! Tehe I also got this huge body board for the trip, u don't know what you are missing until you catch a few waves w/one, or even a float. But it's got to be sturdy, or it's man over board! Lol whoop whoop! There's going to be a really loud and obnoxious laughter in the distance, and it will most likely be long to me. Hahaha This is my yearly vacation, and I plan to make the best of it. Drama and worries will have to wait at the door until I finish soaking in that master suite bathtub w/my LUSH bath goodies! Horray! Thanks everyone thats given me lush as presents, I am about to put them to good use! Tehehe bubble bra and panties! Lmao

Antonio and I also made 3.5 years this week. The time goes by so fast! I freaking love that man! He is my sunrise and sunset. Just beautiful.