Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I think I will dream alittle.

Why does it seem when you learn more about yourself, you tend to lose more friends? And when you finally reflect on the past and want to reconnect with friends, they have already moved on...aiyah, I know...it is life... "friends grow a part." I want to believe differently and yes, I understand that that saying is also true in most cases, but I want it to be different for me. I guess all I can do is hope and pray! I am sure the big man hears what I am saying! lol I am grateful for my family because I know they will always be there, but I am hoping the friends I have once told " I love you" to will also stick it out with me or will come revisit a much happier time again! -to wishful thinking


Mimi said...

i'm not going to lie...its hard. Really hard. I've come to accept it.

I'm just glad i got you as family yo....to wishful thinking indefinitely!

CnBirdie said...

Within the context of learning about yourself, I don't think "friends grow apart". It's more like, "birds of the same feather flock together."

This happens to anybody who grows. It's like a child that grows into an adult no longer "connects" to playing with toys. The bird changed feathers.

The problem is different people grow at different speeds. Maybe you change your fathers and your friend doesn't or vice versa. This creates a distance and drifts you two apart because one of you is now a "different person."

Think of somebody from the Ghetto who decides to become educated and change feathers, he can no longer "connect" with his friends in the ghetto no matter how hard he tries... unless his friends to also change feathers. The "good times" they had were good times but he can't go back, it's better to move forward and think about creating new memories and adventures.

No matter how sad this is, it's an indication that you or the other person has grown, learned new lessons, or adopted better belief systems. This is a good thing in the long run.

At this point, most my friends are hardcore entrepreneurs who travel the world doing crazy shit. It's really hard for me to talk to my old friends about my life or connect to them because they don't "Get it" or i don't "get them" because i am a different person now. I flock with the birds who wear the same feathers as I do.

From my experience it's best to just appreciate the "GOOD" times you had, and move on, find out how to make new memories with people who align with your current "purpose in life" instead of wishing for some thing in the past.

Anyway, I'm just speaking from my own experience, if it sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo just ignore it lol. I wish you the best and hope you figure it out.