Thursday, June 21, 2012


     So I have a friend that posted some pics from this blog on facebook and since I am into reading my horoscope I wanted to check it out! :) Who doesn't like to learn new things about themselves, I know I do! Coming across this fun fact about Aquarius people, I can totally relate!!! It is a major misunderstanding amongst the people in my inner circle. I often hear concerns about never sharing my "problems" or hard times in my life. It's not that I don't trust my friends or favor one over another or have a perfect life....sharing personal problems and putting my life on the table isn't really my thing. I really am not an open book! hahaha Everyone has characteristics that are hard to understand....this is mine. :) And I am ok with it!

     I do however have some things brewing inside my mind. It's just something I have no control over and have to learn to accept and be at peace with. I have to learn to not have expectations of the situation and continue to be positive. Some days it's easy, other days I let it get the worse of me. I believe there is a deeper problem but I can not jump the gun. I just have to let be....what is meant to be! The work week is almost over, I can't wait for Saturday to spend some much needed time with a group of people I literally grew up with! lol I am pretty excited because this small group of friends and family because they are my safe place! I rarely have to censor myself or calculate my moves with them, it's all about having a good time and making memories! It's very refreshing when I get to be with them....hopefully it won't be the last! :)