Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A little break

Today I had a terrible toothache so I called in and took a day off! It was much needed! The weekends are nice but there's usually a lot going on that I don't have much time to myself. Plus the next 2 weekends are going to be busy busy since its my baby sister's big 25! Haha I am kinda excited because it's an excuse to get all dolled up and go be social. It's gonna be tiring but I gotta make sure she has a great birthday! :) a big sister's work is never done! Glad I only have one to look after!

It's June, and in a few days it will be July! Wow is the time passing. I can not lie, ready to get the year over with because it will mean I survived another year! Haha I will be making an exciting transition soon! I am a little fearful of what's to come but at this point I am pretty desperate for some change! Gotta jump in with both feet and hope for the best! Fingers crossed!

Lately my emotions have been on a roller coaster! I know it's something I need to pray about to find peace!!! Somedays I can handle it and other days I want to run and hide!!! Maybe it's just that TOM But we see! My hormones are always running wild! Haha got my head all screwed up too! Women and our emotions! Smh!

I want to take a trip and the end of July but where!? I figure dallas cause its far but close enough to go w/a small group! Gotta figure out my plans ASAP since it will soon approach! -_- I wish everything was free or we all we rich! Haha I know, in my dreams right!?!?

The present can never return to the past. Relationships grow apart or they grow closer. Sometimes it is not what you didn't do but what you can do if given the opportunity. If the opportunity is never given, then pray for peace and acceptance. Be happy about the growth and embrace it instead of taking it as rejection. The world will not end and your heart will heal. Let time be your friend and silence be your serenity. Breathe!


Mimi said...

i'm utterly so happy for you with the new changes!!!! hopefully it will be amazing here on out! its a huge start! =) i'll come visit! haha

sorry that your on a rollercoaster ride...i know its tough but hang in there. <3

lemme know about dallas...i will squeeze it in if i can! GO GO GO!