Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Heights

         As I reflect on  2010..the past, present and furture so much has happened and will happen...not for myself but for the ones I care and love most! There have been unfortunate events and life changing events! I am so excited for everyone! Even though there has been a death in my family, I am so proud of those who are dealing with the death of a father and I wish them the best and pray they have the strength to keep going in fulfill their father's dream to see his children succeed! I know he is so proud of you guys!
       Another heavy hitter this one of my best friends...she has blossomed like never before! Weakened by her own fears in the past, this summer she has gone face to face with some of her demons and is still fighting and striving for the best...the best in life and the best in herself. It's great to watch people grow, it's a beautiful thing because we are all so scared of change. Keep going lil lady...the possibilities are endless and because your heart is so pure...God will watch over you and his love will translate through you to those who's life seem dim! I love u!

      And to another family member/best friend...I am so glad you are READY! Ready for all that is rightfully yours in life! Ahhh....the excitement you feel in your heart is what I feel too! You just have no idea, all the great things that await in the new life God has planned for you too! Your life before was an obstacle course and a test of character to prepare you for the greatness you are meant to have in this life! It's gonna be AMAZING! I love you! Stay you've told me...this is the "Good Struggle" :)

     Of course I can't leave out my hunny bunny AntoniO! tehehe After a year of sitting on his butt, he's back in school! A few of my friends often say "it's awesome you got him to go back n finish school," of course I would like to take all the credit but in reality I believe that only you...yourself can make yourself do anything! Therefore, all the credit belongs to him. I am so proud of him. It's funny, it almost feels like a mother sending her child off to's that kind of feeling. bahaha So corny, I know! But I am most happy to see that he is stepping up to the plate to do something about his life, his future. Go baby, GO!

    Honestly...I could keep writing...because so many people around me have blossom this year. Out of fertilizer grows flowers and fruits. :) bahaha Seriously! to be cont....


Mimi said...

HONG! i'm loving this post!!! It really has been such a crazy year..

I just want to say I love you too! Thank you for always being by my side no matter how hard and stupid shit gets. You are truly an amazing person. You have changed so much for the better and I'm proud of you...JUST DO YOUR THING!!!!

=D i really don't have an idea as to what happens after..but i know imma need you to help HAHA

LOVE YOU! and just do you!

(i wrote a long ass comment..then i fucked up on the code and it got deleted..LAME!)