Saturday, September 15, 2012


People come and people can't hold to them forever. I find myself constantly learning things that I should have learned a long time ago. Maybe I have been in denial...wishing for something that I knew in the end would never be. What are relationships if they are always a one way stream? What people fail to realize is that in today's world, your reputation and perception goes a long way. So please I beg of human kind to come about your own judgment and not by a bias interpretation of someone's personality. It is hard enough to find genuine people, but for their image to be tarnish b/c someone may not have had a positive break my heart because often times it happens to me.  By no means am I perfect but I know I have a good heart. Please don take that away from me! You can not like me, that is fine but please don't  tarnish my heart.

It is apparent the dinamics of my relationships have changed...but it sucks I wasn't given the opportunity to redeem myself. My feelings were really hurt tonight. There's not much Anyone can understand unless they really know me. Yes, I have a hard head and. Soft ass. It does hurt when I fall on it. ...sigh, relationships is a hard thing for me...


Mimi said...

i'm so sorry =/ i know its hard to swallow and yes, it sucks when relationships fail.

Just be strong hongie. You know i love you to the infinity power...

I may be starting to feel the same about someone just the way you are now...and it sucks. =/